Zoho One licensing

Zoho One Licensing Model: How It Works

Zoho One offers a flexible licensing model that allows you to modify your license plan during your subscription period. Whether you need to add or reduce licenses, you have the flexibility to manage your Zoho One subscription effectively.

Flexible User Pricing

The customer can purchase as many licenses as they need under this plan. There is no contract/agreement under this pricing model.

All-Employee Pricing

This pricing model requires the customer to purchase license for all their employees. There are multiple internal checkpoints and audits on all customers who have purchased Zoho One under this pricing model.

If it is observed that the customer has not met the requirements (such as not purchasing licenses for all their employees) their account is susceptible to immediate downgrade.

If your customers require several months’ worth of customisation before deployment, it is recommended that they purchase limited licenses under the flexible user pricing and then upgrade to the All-Employee Pricing when the system is ready for deployment.

For all Zoho One licenses under the All-Employee Pricing model, the customer must submit a signed declaration (attached with this post). This must be forwarded to your respective Partner Account Manager (PAM).  If you have any questions, please reach out at [email protected].


Download the Zoho One All Employee Pricing Declaration here.

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